Webby Award goes to one of my favorites
The 2020 Webby Award for Best Personal Blog/Website went to The Kid Should See This!
TKSST is an amazing website with tons of fascinating videos. It was one of the inspirations for my own Video of the Week project that I started for my ELA classes two years ago. I wrote about TKSST as part of my "Enhance Your Inbox" series, and you can click on the image below to explore their site.
Browsing through The Webby Awards winners list is a great way to find some new-to-you websites, blogs, apps, podcasts, and more. Some of the things I found (and these are only in the websites category):
Brand Name Pencils, a website dedicated to "rare and vintage brand-name pencils" (winner of the Weird category)
Lost Cities: A Story of Coral, an interactive documentary about coral (winner in Science)
"Welcome to Bron Bron Land," an ESPN.com story about LeBron James and his impact on Los Angeles (winner in Best User interface)
If you want to take an even deeper dive, look at all of the nominees in your favorite categories – you're bound to find some more soon-to-be favorites.