The Wizarding World is now open for Home-bound Muggles
If you haven't heard yet, Wizarding World, the official online space for everything Harry Potter, has opened up a new portal – or, ahem, portkey – specifically for kids, parents, and teachers to access during the pandemic. There are games, puzzles, activities, crafts, and a bunch of other goodies, all of which will be regularly added to. Plus you can have free access to the first book in the HP series on Audible and Overdrive. Click on the icon below to visit.
While exploring the site, I found a sneak peek of the art for the new illustrated edition of The Sorcerer's Stone which will be coming out in October.
One of the best parts of the Wizarding World is discovering which Hogwarts house you belong to (it requires registering with the main Wizarding World site).
I am a Ravenclaw, have a 12.5" elmwood wand with a dragon heartstring core and hard flexibility, and my patronus is an eagle. At the North American equivalent to Hogwarts, the Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardy, I belong to the Horned Serpent house.