The 2020 Spring Basho ended this morning and it was EPIC!
Here's a video of the Day 15 action from SumoNatto's YouTube channel. If you don't want any spoilers, start with Day 1 -- you're on coronavirus lockdown and have nothing better to do anyway :)
Hakuho, one of two yokozuna -- the highest rank in Sumo -- currently competing, had 43 tournament wins going into this basho (tournament). He is the winningest rikishi (wrestler) in the history of the sport.

Sumo has ancient roots and many of the rituals, such as foot-stomping and throwing handfuls of salt, come from Shinto, the native religion of Japan.
For a great rundown of Sumo rules and culture, interviews with athletes, and a detailed diagram of winning techniques, check out the Japan Times' Spring Basho Special.